I just got back from London. This magnific city has enriched my knowledge of art. I will not begin to tell you how wonderful is British architecture, art and culture, but in this post I wanted to show some very contemporary and Eco works.
They are made with the caps of the bottles, with the coins, with bubble gum and other non-tradizional materials. I founded them very interesting. The photos are not made really well, I did it with phone, but you can see the heart of the idea and realization.
I hope you will find interesting and creative as i founded them.
Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama
by Molly B. Right from South Carolina
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Kennedy- Butterflies Art
By Enrique Ramos
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT
Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Ripley
By Muralist Franz Spohn
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Casset tape Art Whitney
By Casey Saline
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Art- Michael Jackson
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Number Book Art
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Toasts Art
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT
Leaves Art
By Adrian Lewis
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Stamp Art Saint
Artist James Butman
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Diana Ross portrait
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Sono appena tornata da Londra. Questa magnifica citta ha arricchito la mia conoscenza di arte notevolmente. Non inizio raccontarvi quanto è meravigliosa architettonica, arte e cultura Britanica, ma in questo post volevo farvi vedere alcune opere molto contemporanee e anche Eco se vogliamo chiamare.
Sono realizzati con i tappi delle bottiglie, con le monetine, con bubble gum e altri materiali non tradizionali. Ho trovato molto interessanti. Le foto non sono fatti proprio bene, ho fatto con cellulare, ma si può vedere il cuore della idea e realizzazione.
Spero che anche voi troverete belli e creativi come io.
Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama
by Molly B. Right from South Carolina
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Kennedy- Butterflies Art
By Enrique Ramos
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT
Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Ripley
By Muralist Franz Spohn
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Casset tape Art Whitney
By Casey Saline
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Art- Michael Jackson
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Number Book Art
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Toasts Art
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT
Leaves Art
By Adrian Lewis
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Stamp Art Saint
Artist James Butman
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Diana Ross portrait
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

სულ ცოტა ხნის წინ დავბრუნდი ლონდონიდან. არ დავიწყებ იმის მოყოლას თუ რამდენად საოცარი ქალაქია ლონდონი. ამ პოსტში მინდა ავტვირთო რამდენიმე ფოტო, რომლებიც მუზეუმ- ”Believe It Or Not” -ის დათვალიერების დროს აღმოვაჩინე. ფოტოები ტელეფონით გადავიღე და პროფესიონალური ხარისხის არ არის,მაგრამ ძირითადი იდეა აღბეჭდილია და აღიქმება.
ამ ნამუშევრების განსაკუთრებულობა იმაშია,რომ ისინი შექმნილია უკვე უვარგისი,გამოუყენებელი ნივთებით: გამაგრილებელი სასმელების სახურავებით, ძველი კლავიატურებით, სატელეფონო ცნობარით და ა.შ.
იმედი მაქვს თქვენთვისაც საინტერესო იქნება 🙂
Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama
by Molly B. Right from South Carolina
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Kennedy- Butterflies Art
By Enrique Ramos
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT
Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Ripley
By Muralist Franz Spohn
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Casset tape Art Whitney
By Casey Saline
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Art- Michael Jackson
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Number Book Art
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Toasts Art
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT
Leaves Art
By Adrian Lewis
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Stamp Art Saint
Artist James Butman
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Diana Ross portrait
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

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